27 of the Best Moringa Recipes You’ll Ever Try

Sophisticated Moringa Recipes To Check Out

If you’ve recently embarked on your Moringa journey, you might be wondering the best ways to incorporate it into your diet. While Moringa tablets are convenient and Moringa and honey tea is delightful, both can become monotonous over time.

So, what’s the solution to utilizing those Moringa powder bags now filling your kitchen? The answer lies in trying out some of these fantastic Moringa recipes.

Below, you’ll discover a list of our 27 favorite Moringa recipes, spanning from snacks and entrees to appetizers and smoothies.

No matter what you’re looking for, you’re bound to find it among these recipes.

If you’re interested to learn about how much Moringa you should take each day, check out this article below:

I’ve separated the Moringa recipes below in two categories: Sweet and Savory. 


1. Moringa Superfood Smoothie with maca, flax seed and tahini

Moringa smoothie

In a world of beautiful smoothies, it’s difficult to say that this smoothie is the most beautiful smoothie I’ve ever seen, but this smoothie is the most beautiful smoothie I’ve ever seen. It takes two minutes to make and two minutes to drink, and from the first moment that I tasted this gorgeous raspberry-blueberry-moringa confection, all I’ve wanted is more.

Find the recipe here, via Kind Earth

2. Raw Moringa and Mint Chocolate Squares

Raw Moringa and Mint Chocolate Squares

I’m gonna be honest: if a recipe has more than six ingredients, it’s probably too complicated for me to want to try it. I’m going to be even more honest: the moment a recipe looks this gorgeous is the moment my six-ingredient rule goes flying out the window. Just look at it. I’ve never seen such a perfect shade of green.

Check out the recipe here, via Aduna

3. Pumpkin Seed Moringa Cupcakes

Pumpkin Seed Moringa Cupcakes

This recipe is no exception. Moringa. Pumpkin seeds. Melted chocolate. It’s like someone spied on my ID and came up with a list of all my favorite things.

Nab the recipe by visiting Rachels Blog!

4. Vegan Moringa Superfood Ice Cream

Vegan Moringa Superfood Ice Cream

Once upon a time I thought mixing Moringa with chocolate was the most genius thing a human has ever done. I was wrong. Mixing it with ice cream is the most genius thing a human has ever done.

The only downside of this recipe is that it’s specifically made for those with ice cream makers. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, though, you can also make ice cream by hand! It takes longer, but there are great instructions here.

Grab the recipe here via the Happy Family and Home.

5. Magical Moringa, Cacao and Matcha Moringaroons

Magical Moringa, Cacao and Matcha Moringaroons

The only thing better than these sweet and healthy breakfast snacks is that fact that they’re called moringaroons. Cacao, Moringa, matcha have finally come together in a perfect storm of good-for-you deliciousness, and our lives will never be the same.

Find the recipe here, from Breakfast Criminals

6. Superfood Moringa Brownies

Superfood Moringa Brownies

These Moringa brownies are made with flaxseed, which means you could probably eat them for every meal of the day and not feel guilty. I’m almost positive that’s what it means. Even if you decide to limit yourself to a single brownie, though, the end product is filling (and delicious) enough that you’ll be more than satisfied. Try serving them with strawberries or your favorite fruit to make the end result even better!

You can find the recipe here, via Mother Earth Living

7. Easy Blender Moringa Pancakes

Easy Blender Moringa Pancakes

These Moringa pancakes are made using oats, Moringa powder, and applesauce, so not only are they the healthiest, most filling pancakes you could eat, but they’re also so delicious my mouth is watering as I type.

Get the recipe at Good Food Baddie!

8. Super-Cacao, Moringa, and Baobab Lollies

Super-Cacao, Moringa, and Baobab Lollies

Technically, this recipe is actually three different recipes, and only one of the recipes has Moringa, but each of them are delicious. The other lollies are made with baobab and cacao, and the Moringa lolly includes honey, avocado, yogurt, and blueberries, so whichever one you end up trying, you can be sure the end result is going to be yummy.

You’ll find this yummy dish here!

9. Moringa Chocolate Almond Bliss Balls

Moringa Chocolate Almond Bliss Balls

These little snack balls are made of chocolate, almonds, and Moringa, so that’s basically 3/3 for my favorite things. The only thing better than how they taste is how beautiful they look; the first time I saw the recipe photo I’m pretty sure I gasped aloud. The recipe itself is also super simple: the hardest part is waiting for the dates to soak, and everything after that is quick and easy enough that even the busiest person will have enough time to squeeze these into their schedule.

You’ll find the recipe for these bliss balls here!

10. Healthy Moringa Oatmeal 

Healthy Moringa Oatmeal 

Oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfast foods purely because of how simple it is to make and how filling it is, and this Moringa-sprinkled twist on an already great dish is enough to push it over into legendary territory.

The syrup and mulberries also add a dash of sweetness, so even if you’re eating oatmeal for health reasons, the final product is delicious enough to eat for meals on end.

Check the recipe out at Nuts.com

11. Moringa Superfood Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

Moringa Superfood Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

If by now you’ve started to get the sense that we at Morning Gardens love chocolate, you wouldn’t be wrong.

These cookies are absolutely decadent, but the Moringa also gives it a really nice, brisk taste that goes so well with both the chocolate and the nut butter. And you can tell your friends that they’re healthy, too.

You’ll find this recipe at Sunfood!

12. Moringa Blueberry Waffles

Moringa Blueberry Waffles

Blueberry waffles are among the finest creations humanity has thus far invented, and these Moringa blueberry waffles live up to their illustrious name.

Made with almond flour, Moringa powder, and blueberries, these waffles are filling enough to last you all the way through lunch, but delicious enough to make you wish you could snack all the way through lunch, too.

If you’re looking for a mix of sweet and tart, this is where to go.

Want this recipe? Check out Anthony’s Goods!

13. Chunky Monkey Moringa Smoothie

Chunky Monkey Moringa Smoothie

The first time I saw this recipe I jumped up out of my chair and ran to the kitchen so fast I almost knocked over my laptop. I didn’t have any dates at the time, so my version wasn’t complete, but the smoothie came out so good that I drank the entire thing myself, even though I’d told myself I was going to save some for my mom. Sorry, mom.

It did leave me with enough energy that I entirely skipped coffee that day, though! I’m not sure if that’s because of the Moringa or the cacao, but suffice to say this smoothie has entered my weekly rotation.

This recipe is over at Making Thyme for Health!

14. Pistachio Amaranth Moringa Bars

Pistachio Amaranth Moringa Bars

The author of this blog is dedicated to making gorgeous vegan cakes, which is probably why these bars look like they descended from heaven to bless humanity with perfection in a bite.

These Moringa bars use pistachios, amaranth, nut butter, and a host of other delicious ingredients to turn a protein bar — one of the most boring of foods — into a sweet fit for royalty.

Want the recipe? Check out Nirvana Cakery for this and more!

15. Moringa Powerballs

Moringa Powerballs

Energy balls are one of my favorite snacks because I can eat them constantly and still convince people they’re healthy.

Not that they’re not healthy; this Moringa recipe contains oats, Goji berries, and chia seeds–it’s very healthy.

But it doesn’t taste healthy; these power balls taste like a luxury chocolate brand decided to branch out into the world of Moringa. I could genuinely eat them all day.

You’ll find this recipe at Kuli Kuli Foods!

16. Peanut Butter Lava Moringa Blackbean Brownies

Peanut Butter Lava Moringa Blackbean Brownies

Any food with the word “lava” inside it automatically has my attention, so the moment I saw this Moringa recipe was the moment I knew I’d just found my new best friend. If the presence of blackbean worries you a bit, 1) you’re not alone–I’ve spent my entire life eating them with rice, and the thought of mixing them into my sweets wasn’t something I’d ever considered, and 2) give them a try anyway; the end result was actually great. You can absolutely substitute them for flour if you’d rather, though!

Find this delicious dish over at A Healthy Leaf!



17. Moringa Guacamole

Moringa Guacamole

I’m speaking as a guacamole connoisseur: this is one of the best guacamoles I’ve ever had. I’m not sure if it’s the Moringa or the cherry tomatoes or the coriander, but it all combines into a dish that makes me want to cry.

Try it out here, via Aduna

18. Moringa Green Hummus Crackers

making moringa with hummus

Deep dark confession: Hummus is one of the few healthy foods I genuinely love. But you might say you run a website about the benefits of the health food to end all health foods. Such is the hypocrisy of man.

That aside, I honestly love hummus, and the moment I realized that you could make hummus crackers is the moment my soul ascended away from this earth. The moment I realized you could make them out of Moringa was the moment my soul returned to earth so that I could turn the oven on.

Make sure to check this recipe out over at Niapurenature!

19. Spinach, Moringa, & Goat’s Cheese Croquetas

Spinach, Moringa, & Goat's Cheese Croquetas

The majority of the dishes found in this list are sweet ones because I have biases.

However, there are absolutely ways to use Moringa in savory recipes as well! These Moringa/goat cheese croquetas are one of my favorites; small enough that you can eat 20 of them, delicious enough that you want to eat 20 of them, and Moringa-filled-enough that you can probably convince your friends it’s a good idea to eat 20 of them.

Check out the recipe at Aduna!

20. Moringa & Spinach Tortillas with Roasted Veg Filling

Moringa & Spinach Tortillas with Roasted Veg Filling

Tortillas are omnipresent in our house, but until I saw this post, it had been years since I actually thought about changing up our usual recipe. The Moringa and spinach give the tortilla a soft green color and a bit more taste than most corn tortillas normally have, and the end result is fantastic. The recipe on Aduna uses a delicious veggie filling, but you can easily sub in beans, cheese, barbacoa, or anything else you’d like.

Find this delicious Aduna recipe here!

21. Homemade Moringa Noodles

Homemade Moringa Noodles

I’m pretty sure that these noodles were created specifically to torment me every moment that I’m not eating them, which, I guess, is what you want every type of noodles to do. Made from scratch with Moringa, eggs, and gluten-free flour, the end result is something yummy enough you’ll want to use in all your pasta concoctions, but healthy enough that you can get away with eating second and third helpings.

Visit Yardibles Urban Garden to get this recipe!

22. Spaghetti with Roasted Sungold Tomatoes and Moringa

Spaghetti with Roasted Sungold Tomatoes and Moringa

This recipe bills itself as “the healthiest spaghetti you’ll ever eat,” which is probably true, but it also tastes dang good.

I’m not sure what it is about the combination of Moringa, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes that makes this spaghetti taste so good, but it somehow manages to be both extremely simple (7 ingredients) and extremely savory all at once.

It’s definitely something you can throw together in 20 minutes on a busy day. Also definitely something you can happily eat for leftovers for a week on end.

You’ll find the recipe over at Gardenista!

23. Moringa Dill Quiche

Moringa Dill Quiche

Here’s a deep dark secret: the first time I had quiche was in my twenties. I’m just not much of an egg person! This particular quiche, however, is so good my mouth’s watering just looking at the photo again.

Dill, Moringa, garlic, cheese, and cream combine to make this both one of the healthiest and one of the yummiest quiches I’ve had outside of a restaurant. If you’re looking for a solid breakfast dish, definitely give this one a go!

Check out Moringa Matters for this delicious recipe!

24. Easy Moringa Leaves Chicken Recipe

Easy Moringa Leaves Chicken Recipe

I love every recipe on this list, but this is the dish that made my mother tell me she had hope for me as an adult after all. In other words, this one has a special place in my heart. The author calls it “finger licking delicious,” and she is not wrong.

This Moringa-filled chicken soup is loaded with spices and herbs, and the result is a dish that had me filling up my bowl with thirds.

Check out this scrumptious dish at Sinamon Tales!

25. Spicy Cilantro Pesto with Moringa

Spicy Cilantro Pesto with Moringa

I’m not normally the biggest fan of pesto, so I was actually reluctant to try this Moringa/cilantro twist on the dish.

The fact that they included cayenne pepper intrigued me, though, so I put the ingredients in a blender, dipped in a piece of bread, and was then transported into a pesto-filled dreamland of gloriousness.

What I’m saying is try this one; it’s definitely a recipe you’ll come back to again and again.

Find this recipe at Vitacost!

26. Egg Rolls With Moringa Leaves

Egg Rolls With Moringa Leaves

Archana’s kitchen has a ton of Moringa recipes, but this is a definite favorite. This is one of the only egg recipes I truly love, and when I say that I love it, I mean I love it. The egg to cheese to chilies ratio is fantastic!

The Moringa gives a subtle edge to the flavor! The end result is something I’ve made both as breakfast and as a midnight snack! This is truly a versatile dish and one I heartily recommend.

Get the recipe at Archana’s Kitchen!

27. Shukto – Bengali Mixed Vegetable in Mustard, Poppy Seed Gravy and Moringa Drumsticks

Shukto - Bengali Mixed Vegetable in Mustard, Poppy Seed Gravy and Moringa Drumsticks

This is the only recipe on this list that uses the Moringa drumsticks rather than the leaves, and the result is a delicious Bengali vegetable dish that immediately sent me to the store to pick up panch phoran.

All I can say is that Archana has two recipes on this list, and it’s because she knows what she’s doing.

Check out this recipe at Archana’s Kitchen!


In summary, there are many recipes that you can incorporate Moringa in and will taste delicious! Be sure to try both for sweet and savory. 

If you are you questioning how much Moringa should you consume on a daily basis, be sure to check out our article here:

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